Thursday, June 13, 2019

Prescribed methods and tools can be developed for all consulting jobs Essay - 1

Prescribed methods and tools rump be developed for all consulting jobs because all Organisations ultimately have the same type of problems - Essay Examplemany organisations to seek advanced management concepts, lean production through Total Quality Management, care process re-engineering (BPR) techniques, and leveraging. Leveraging mainly refers to the techniques of multiplying gains and losses. In this regard, leveraging ratio cannot be avoided by organisations. Leveraging ratio is typically the amount of organizations rightfulness in relation to debt. This aspect, in management consultancy, implies to the friendship and skills that an organisations has in terms of human capital to what the organisations lacks according to Carmeli (2005).Organisations are constantly striving to improve efficiency, as such consultants bring with them a multitude of tools and methods, many of which can add great value to the client (OMahoney & Markham 2013). The consulting industry is broad and e ncompasses a wide double of projects. Any organization for instance, an organisation might require changes to its human resource structure, as seen throughout ROLE PLAY (?).Management consultancy is a new assortment of management that deals with execution of ideas and knowledge, and therefore it requires commodification of knowledge in its expansion. Commodification in this context means the process of transforming management ideas in a particular manner that can be sold on a market for management solutions (Heusinkveld & Benders, 2005). The process of knowledge commodification is unproblematic and linear since it is concerned with only turning new ideas into marketable commodities. Therefore, methods and techniques used in management consultancy are applicable to all organisations as all organisations strive for ideas that are marketable. Consulting firms are capable of packing management knowledge into a saleable form then they transmit these solutions by advising the organizat ion appropriately. Most organizations are profit and growth driven, and the techniques developed by consulting companies should be the same. requisite for new

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